stacy metcalf:
170809_McCurdyCornerS&S (1)_Datsun510
stacy metcalf:
170614_McCurdyCorner (2)
stacy metcalf:
170603 OBCC ''Breakfast Run'' (3)_HWY97 Southbound
stacy metcalf:
170603 OBCC ''Breakfast Run'' (5)_Penticton,KettleValleyStationPub
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (9)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (40)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (37)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (35)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (26)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (21)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (20)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (19)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (15)
stacy metcalf:
150523_OMCC cruise to Kingfisher & SalmonArm (14)
stacy metcalf:
150517_Peachland WorldOfWheels (38)
stacy metcalf:
150517_Peachland WorldOfWheels (64)
stacy metcalf:
150517_Peachland WorldOfWheels (79)
stacy metcalf:
150517_Peachland WorldOfWheels (122)
stacy metcalf:
140413_GarageTour,CentralOkanagan (32)
stacy metcalf:
140413_GarageTour,CentralOkanagan (31)
stacy metcalf:
130929_PumpkinRun (26)
stacy metcalf:
130929_PumpkinRun (35)
stacy metcalf:
130615_OMCC to Merkel Ranch, OrientWA (31)
stacy metcalf:
170603 OBCC ''Breakfast Run'' (7)_Penticton,KettleValleyStationPub
stacy metcalf:
170610_OMCC to Merkel's Ranch (25)
stacy metcalf:
170610_OMCC to Merkel's Ranch (27)
stacy metcalf:
170610_OMCC to Merkel's Ranch (29)
stacy metcalf:
170610_OMCC to Merkel's Ranch (31)
stacy metcalf:
170610_OMCC to Merkel's Ranch (32)
stacy metcalf:
170610_OMCC to Merkel's Ranch (33)