tallthinthing: On our way
tallthinthing: ready for relaxation
tallthinthing: Notre Dame
tallthinthing: IMG_0291
tallthinthing: IMG_0289
tallthinthing: Inside the Louvre courtyard (view 1)
tallthinthing: Inside the Louvre courtyard (view 2)
tallthinthing: Inside the Louvre courtyard (view 3)
tallthinthing: IM Pei's pyramid entrance, looking toward the Tuileries
tallthinthing: Egyptian artifacts
tallthinthing: Sitting in the Tuileries (view 1)
tallthinthing: Sitting in the Tuileries (view 2)
tallthinthing: Sitting in the Tuileries (view 3)
tallthinthing: When going to Versailles...
tallthinthing: The Sun King, in all his magnificence
tallthinthing: mural from hercules (?) room, versailles
tallthinthing: mural from hercules (?) room, versailles
tallthinthing: Portrait of Louis XIV, The Sun King, in the War Room
tallthinthing: chandilier, the war room, versailles
tallthinthing: chandilier, the war room, versailles
tallthinthing: The hall of mirrors
tallthinthing: Yep, more trompe l'oeil
tallthinthing: More Trompe L'oeil
tallthinthing: Weird photo in the king's bedchamber
tallthinthing: mantel in the kings receiving room
tallthinthing: One of many amazing Trompe L'oeil ceiling paintings
tallthinthing: Could be Venus...
tallthinthing: Portraits of Louis XV, in the Peace room
tallthinthing: Detail from large paintings of Louis XV
tallthinthing: Napoleon portrait at Versailles