staciejaye: ideas that didn't happen
staciejaye: signal drift in the house
staciejaye: yes, yes, hummm
staciejaye: getting technical
staciejaye: game plan
staciejaye: brian
staciejaye: melvin
staciejaye: .....
staciejaye: time to go
staciejaye: in n out
staciejaye: waste
staciejaye: drive by street scene
staciejaye: drive by street scene 3
staciejaye: drive by street scene 4
staciejaye: drive by street scene 2
staciejaye: drive by street scene 1
staciejaye: walking feet 4
staciejaye: walking feet 3
staciejaye: walking feet 2
staciejaye: walking feet 1
staciejaye: 5=change
staciejaye: tough truck
staciejaye: tough guy
staciejaye: color + geo
staciejaye: color = balance
staciejaye: drive by shopping texture
staciejaye: drive by shopping