Dichroic1: Near cone Peak (HWY 1)
Dichroic1: Hiked down the canyon to the redwoods
Dichroic1: Rainpuddle on the ridge
Dichroic1: Sunset wine walk around the ridge
Dichroic1: Fog above the pacific and the sun about to set
Dichroic1: Campfire and lights down the coast around San Simeon
Dichroic1: the Stars
Dichroic1: Above the fog, just before sunrise
Dichroic1: The Gootze keeping warm in the morning
Dichroic1: Sunrise (looking west ocean covered in fog)
Dichroic1: serpentine mountain
Dichroic1: self portrait with coffee and oatmeal and the sunrise
Dichroic1: Driving down from the ridge
Dichroic1: coastal fig; hidden HWY 1
Dichroic1: South of Willow Creek
Dichroic1: south of Willow Creek
Dichroic1: the Sky
Dichroic1: the people-less coast
Dichroic1: hot weather all of a sudden
Dichroic1: strange tropical clouds
Dichroic1: more things for our collections
Dichroic1: picnic
Dichroic1: self portrait between boulders
Dichroic1: total freedom
Dichroic1: Carrying LIlly through the boulders
Dichroic1: before climbing back up the cliff and going home
Dichroic1: walking around Garrapata (the day we turned around because we forgot our sleeping bags)
Dichroic1: building a new bridge by the crumbling cliff
Dichroic1: my Sweets!
Dichroic1: ice cold river