Dichroic1: Billy's self portrait of us three in a little pool
Dichroic1: A few miles upstream from Bridal Veil Falls
Dichroic1: An old, old precarious lady named Juniper
Dichroic1: Yosemite dinners
Dichroic1: Billy jumps
Dichroic1: Cliffwalker
Dichroic1: catch the moon
Dichroic1: oh, old Juniper
Dichroic1: The color of rivers
Dichroic1: Billy 'bodysurfing' in a waterfall
Dichroic1: the only person in the world
Dichroic1: pure me
Dichroic1: the short life of a dragonfly
Dichroic1: Icemelt
Dichroic1: morning light on the rocks I laid on and dunked my head in everyday
Dichroic1: Portrait by the cliff
Dichroic1: Billy's rivercoat
Dichroic1: yosemite stream
Dichroic1: Half Dome, Charlie and Billy
Dichroic1: self portrait hiking with my pack 3rd to last day
Dichroic1: PINHOLE self portrait next to a waterfall, Yosemite.
Dichroic1: River me
Dichroic1: riverwide
Dichroic1: cooloff
Dichroic1: campsite #2. I found an arrowhead.
Dichroic1: the river was the soundtrack for a week.
Dichroic1: campfire #1
Dichroic1: Riverswirl