hopefulist: On the bus
hopefulist: On the bus
hopefulist: Enroute to Lubaantún
hopefulist: Enroute to Lubaantún
hopefulist: School is out
hopefulist: On the bus
hopefulist: Road to Lubaantún
hopefulist: Leaf cutter ants - "weewees"
hopefulist: Leaf cutter ants - "weewees"
hopefulist: Woman selling basketry
hopefulist: Entrance to Lubaantún
hopefulist: Museum case
hopefulist: Museum case
hopefulist: More new findings
hopefulist: New finding
hopefulist: New finding
hopefulist: Unusual textile detail
hopefulist: Masked heads - likely boxers
hopefulist: Many findings are whistles that still work
hopefulist: Caretaker Santiago w/ his family's creations
hopefulist: Lubaantún
hopefulist: Lubaantún
hopefulist: Lubaantún
hopefulist: Lubaantún
hopefulist: Lubaantún
hopefulist: Lubaantún
hopefulist: Picnic at Lubaantún
hopefulist: Casava treat purchased on bus
hopefulist: Lubaantún
hopefulist: Lubaantún