hopefulist: Queen parrotfish eating
hopefulist: Queen angel
hopefulist: Blue chromis
hopefulist: Gray angel
hopefulist: Stoplight parrot fish
hopefulist: Ocean triggerfish
hopefulist: Nurse shark
hopefulist: Spanish hogfish
hopefulist: Lionfish
hopefulist: Juvenile yellow tailed damsel
hopefulist: Grunt
hopefulist: Doctor fish and blue tang
hopefulist: Chain moray on dock
hopefulist: Scorpion fish
hopefulist: Barred hamlet
hopefulist: Blue tangs
hopefulist: 4 eye butterflyfish
hopefulist: Spotted trunkfish
hopefulist: Sea fan with 4 eye butterfly fish
hopefulist: Staghorn coral with trumpet fish
hopefulist: White spined urchin
hopefulist: Flamingo tongue snails
hopefulist: Brittle stars and sponge
hopefulist: Fireworm on white encrusting zoanthid
hopefulist: Lionfish hunter
hopefulist: Transect survey team
hopefulist: Dakota
hopefulist: Stacey
hopefulist: Marine Biologist Jason