hopefulist: Heading to San Juan
hopefulist: Women's weaving cooperative
hopefulist: Women's weaving cooperative
hopefulist: Women's weaving cooperative
hopefulist: Women's weaving cooperative
hopefulist: Street candy
hopefulist: San Juan church
hopefulist: San Juan church detail
hopefulist: Mynor's family heading to Santiago
hopefulist: Bandera
hopefulist: Chris making friends
hopefulist: Dressed up for the Santiago fair
hopefulist: Friend on the lancha
hopefulist: Santiago parade
hopefulist: Santiago parade
hopefulist: Santiago parade
hopefulist: Santiago parade
hopefulist: Francisco leads the way
hopefulist: Maximón
hopefulist: Church service
hopefulist: Carnival
hopefulist: Catholic church
hopefulist: Huipil, typical of Santiago
hopefulist: Bazaar dancers
hopefulist: Here comes the parade again
hopefulist: Textiles
hopefulist: With guide Francisco (3rd time)
hopefulist: New purse
hopefulist: Textiles