hopefulist: Off we go!
hopefulist: Heading on the road toward Santiago
hopefulist: Arriving at the trail head - note the sign
hopefulist: Don Samuel leads the way
hopefulist: Heading into the woods with Don Samuel
hopefulist: Don Samuel asks for a blessing in the Catholic chapel nearby
hopefulist: Don Samuel figuring out our nahuals
hopefulist: Preparing the ceremonial fire
hopefulist: Don Samuel looks up our Maya nahuals (birth signs) based on our birth dates while Cooperativa teachers help unpack the materials
hopefulist: Materials for the ceremony
hopefulist: Preparing the fire
hopefulist: Smelling the copal
hopefulist: Explaining about the ceremony
hopefulist: Don Samuel explains about Maya nahuals
hopefulist: Reading about our nahuals
hopefulist: Don Samuel gives us each a paper with our Maya nahual
hopefulist: Ready to start
hopefulist: Beginning the ceremony
hopefulist: After the ceremony
hopefulist: Beautiful setting
hopefulist: Loading up to head back to San Pedro
hopefulist: Stu and I with Don Samuel
hopefulist: Stuart shows Don Samuel his glyph paintings
hopefulist: Heading back to San Pedro
hopefulist: Volcan San Pedro