hopefulist: Enroute to Santa Elena
hopefulist: The Aguada in Santa Elena
hopefulist: Frog and pen at The Aguada
hopefulist: In Santa Elena
hopefulist: In Santa Elena
hopefulist: In Santa Elena
hopefulist: San Ignacio
hopefulist: San Ignacio market
hopefulist: The bakery - Santa Elena
hopefulist: Dinner
hopefulist: Hike to the ATM cave
hopefulist: Hike to the ATM cave
hopefulist: Hike to the ATM cave
hopefulist: Getting instructions
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: Swimming in the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: Monkey jug in the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: La princesa in the ATM Cave
hopefulist: In the ATM Cave
hopefulist: Outside the ATM Cave
hopefulist: Hiking back to the van
hopefulist: Cahal Pech ruins museum