staceyfike: 1/365 *midnight snack*
staceyfike: 2/365 **first snow**
staceyfike: 3/365 *strep throat*
staceyfike: 4/365 *cozy chamomille*
staceyfike: 5/365
staceyfike: 6/365 *steak dinner*
staceyfike: 7/365 *hot tea*
staceyfike: 8/365
staceyfike: 9/365 *long day*
staceyfike: 10/365
staceyfike: 11/365 *rockstar earrings*
staceyfike: 12/365 *my window*
staceyfike: 13/365
staceyfike: 14/365
staceyfike: 15/366 *tomorrow*
staceyfike: 16/366 *all you need is love*
staceyfike: 17/366 *stella on draught*
staceyfike: 18/365
staceyfike: 19/366
staceyfike: 20/366
staceyfike: 21/366
staceyfike: 22/366
staceyfike: 23/366 *bedtime tea*
staceyfike: 24/366 *hubs t-shirt*
staceyfike: 25/366 **brrrrrrrr**
staceyfike: 26/366 *tonight's activities*
staceyfike: 27/366 *snuck 'em in with me*
staceyfike: 28/366 **up to my elbows**
staceyfike: 29/366 **deadlines**
staceyfike: 30/366