Toni F.: drops
Toni F.: awning
Toni F.: x in the sky
Toni F.: just primed canvases
Toni F.: lamp
Toni F.: two colours
Toni F.: tiny white blossoms
Toni F.: that's the one I like best
Toni F.: Finally got it (sort of) right ...
Toni F.: a few books
Toni F.: palette
Toni F.: swan song
Toni F.: four slices of lemon
Toni F.: swan song again
Toni F.: fancy a swim at the pool?
Toni F.: this bird has flown
Toni F.: off the bowl of cherries
Toni F.: a candleholder from asakusa
Toni F.: my little piggy
Toni F.: dusk from home
Toni F.: sunset from home
Toni F.: my everyday view
Toni F.: the cupboard's edge
Toni F.: all the same but each one different from the others
Toni F.: leave the door open
Toni F.: IKEA
Toni F.: my wife's a fine artist
Toni F.: the one and only cloud nine
Toni F.: time
Toni F.: collecting teardrops in an old china cup