sstoopage: Vanilla & Sally Rice
sstoopage: FBL & RBL
sstoopage: Blythe couple
sstoopage: I only have EBL, RBL & FBL, it's time to get an SBL girl
sstoopage: EBL, SBL, RBL & FBL
sstoopage: Long time didn't take neo and middie photo
sstoopage: Show you how to make bangs without cut the hair
sstoopage: How about we want to travel but no money?
sstoopage: Just use Photoshop :p
sstoopage: Should I debox her?
sstoopage: TAKARA has approve to repair this doll
sstoopage: Ready to send it back.
sstoopage: We will miss you!
sstoopage: Testing my new camera
sstoopage: Testing my new camera
sstoopage: Blythe with evening gowns
sstoopage: SBL sister
sstoopage: SBL downward glancing
sstoopage: SBL normal glancing
sstoopage: Anniversary Middies
sstoopage: Anniversary Middies
sstoopage: Anniversary Middies
sstoopage: Summer Doll Shelf
sstoopage: Deboxing......
sstoopage: OMG! My hair......
sstoopage: My Translucent Girls
sstoopage: My Thick Hair Girls
sstoopage: My RBL Girls
sstoopage: My RBL+ Girls
sstoopage: EBL, SBL, RBL, FBL & RBL+