S.Dobbins: Bacardi 3
S.Dobbins: Bacardi 4
S.Dobbins: IMG_1419
S.Dobbins: IMG_1437
S.Dobbins: IMG_1444
S.Dobbins: IMG_3072
S.Dobbins: IMG_4194
S.Dobbins: IMG_4213
S.Dobbins: IMG_5924
S.Dobbins: IMG_8064
S.Dobbins: Resting at the top of the steps
S.Dobbins: Lazy Kitty
S.Dobbins: Bacardi Intrigued by the helicopter
S.Dobbins: Bacardi the rotten cat
S.Dobbins: Lazy Cat intruding on my photo shoot
S.Dobbins: Lazy Cat intruding on my photo shoot
S.Dobbins: Lazy Cat intruding on my photo shoot
S.Dobbins: Sunbathing Cat
S.Dobbins: Christmas was too much for this cat
S.Dobbins: Bacardi in B&W with colored eyes