ssoross1: Japonica
ssoross1: Bottle neck
ssoross1: Old fashion rose
ssoross1: Palm Frond
ssoross1: Palm Frond
ssoross1: Dandelion 1 - Taraxacum officinale
ssoross1: Dandelion 2 - Taraxacum officinale
ssoross1: " The spider and the fly "
ssoross1: Native bee and Grevillea "Honey gem"
ssoross1: The bean
ssoross1: Feather on the snow
ssoross1: Feather in the snow II
ssoross1: Leaf litter
ssoross1: Bronze Orange Stink Bug
ssoross1: Fire !!!
ssoross1: Loading the cannon
ssoross1: Agapanthaus
ssoross1: PINK
ssoross1: St Andrew's Cross Spider
ssoross1: First day of spring
ssoross1: The sun returns
ssoross1: Waratah
ssoross1: Mountain Devil - Lambertia Formosa
ssoross1: Jumping Spider
ssoross1: Snowdrop
ssoross1: Honey dew
ssoross1: Dewy Jonquils
ssoross1: Jonquills