Jim Hawke: Some one doing her pushups
Jim Hawke: Captian Canucks still flying and doing fine
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 019
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 055
Jim Hawke: Cheers old friend
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 065
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 018
Jim Hawke: the hat man has loved hats for a long time
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 001
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 003
Jim Hawke: This rocks still there the kids are older
Jim Hawke: look at mr canuck, telling me to hurry up before the bears get him
Jim Hawke: theres are smiling jean, and mr canuck eating
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 012
Jim Hawke: happy kids
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 009
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 008
Jim Hawke: Jack was so scared to try this.
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 006
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 013
Jim Hawke: If I remember right we were all waiting for the camara to shoot???
Jim Hawke: Theres that smiling kid again
Jim Hawke: who lived here old hippy?
Jim Hawke: theres Carol fixen your hair again kid
Jim Hawke: old hippies never die
Jim Hawke: bought this new in 1970,,,1900.00 bux
Jim Hawke: old slides 1970 to 1976 029
Jim Hawke: hiking days
Jim Hawke: we were such kids
Jim Hawke: I think we were 20 and 21 years old here