scott.slusser: The plugs were already out so I poured Marvel's Mystery Oil into the holes and crossed my fingers.
scott.slusser: It is a very compact engine to say the least.
scott.slusser: First thing to come off is the engine compartment lid.
scott.slusser: The oil filter. Yes, it is a centrifugal force oil filter. Thanks to Jeff Guerdat from the Yahoo 850 group.
scott.slusser: The uncovered crank pulley, I hope I have a big enough socket! 1.25" or 32mm
scott.slusser: Valve cover removed.
scott.slusser: With the head and carb off, you can see some of the crap still on the number 3 cylinder.
scott.slusser: Another view of the block.
scott.slusser: Cylinders filled with oil and covered up until Monday.