yiorgos_st: escapist
yiorgos_st: how much does a soul weigh?
yiorgos_st: dandelion galaxy
yiorgos_st: left behind
yiorgos_st: life at a dam
yiorgos_st: always coca cola / siempre coca cola / πάντα coca cola
yiorgos_st: Ήτα
yiorgos_st: flamingo was here
yiorgos_st: leaf it behind
yiorgos_st: 29 January 1978...
yiorgos_st: old & new
yiorgos_st: 3 in 1
yiorgos_st: shell shocked
yiorgos_st: I heart bikes
yiorgos_st: guess who's coming to dinner..
yiorgos_st: when the music is over
yiorgos_st: happy new (photographic) 2010
yiorgos_st: lighter than a leaf
yiorgos_st: be quick or be dead
yiorgos_st: home and homes
yiorgos_st: Valentine's day is not for everyone
yiorgos_st: nostalgic