young@art: cold tubbing
young@art: IMG_9991
young@art: IMG_9989.JPG
young@art: the calm before the s'mores
young@art: old eleven
young@art: bean hollow hike
young@art: bean hollow playdate
young@art: chas, seth & a bucket
young@art: afternoon = throw and repeat x 1 million
young@art: IMG_0940.JPG
young@art: chas bouldering at bean hollow
young@art: IMG_0917
young@art: tenacious S
young@art: IMG_0919
young@art: IMG_0922
young@art: mmmm summer
young@art: IMG_0882.JPG
young@art: IMG_0888.JPG
young@art: IMG_0893.JPG
young@art: IMG_0897.JPG
young@art: IMG_0898.JPG
young@art: IMG_0974.JPG
young@art: IMG_1000
young@art: my favorite bowl in the house
young@art: where we went to try and find one 2x2 brick with pegs on four sides, but that they did not have, ARGH.
young@art: IMG_0995
young@art: IMG_0994.JPG
young@art: IMG_0993.JPG
young@art: IMG_0985.JPG