Scorpions and Centaurs:
a comment on Papa John's view of providing healthcare to employees...
Scorpions and Centaurs:
...not even a fingerbowl...
Scorpions and Centaurs:
comments on the corporate world ;D (3)
Scorpions and Centaurs:
comments on the corporate world ;D (2)
Scorpions and Centaurs:
comments on the corporate world ;D (1)
Scorpions and Centaurs:
No, all Barrymore said was "Get rid of the evidence"!
Scorpions and Centaurs:
mmmm. But did you not think about exercising your choice to get a less expensive disease?
Scorpions and Centaurs:
Do we really have to do this for every five pound note?
Scorpions and Centaurs:
"ERIC! You know you're not allowed salty snacks!"
Scorpions and Centaurs:
Sepp Blatter weighs up the choices
Scorpions and Centaurs:
a worm for Dave
Scorpions and Centaurs:
"To be honest, I find the kittens easier to digest..."
Scorpions and Centaurs:
"Hello God, Dave here...."
Scorpions and Centaurs:
Dave daydreams in China
Scorpions and Centaurs:
Dave the chip pincher
Scorpions and Centaurs:
Nick can relate to the kids
Scorpions and Centaurs:
Osborne gets tough
Scorpions and Centaurs:
"...oh, and make sure the coffee's hot this time"
Scorpions and Centaurs:
Note to Self:
Scorpions and Centaurs:
performance anxiety gets to us all...
Scorpions and Centaurs:
What happens when you give a turkey Executive decision making power
Scorpions and Centaurs:
Simon envisions a new headline
Scorpions and Centaurs:
HM Harvester