Scorpions and Centaurs: Hello Kitty chocolate chip cookies
Scorpions and Centaurs: hidden animal face on the bin
Scorpions and Centaurs: birdie bunting for the Jubilee
Scorpions and Centaurs: Jubilee bunting
Scorpions and Centaurs: keeping cool with iced tea...
Scorpions and Centaurs: rabbit art at the Centre:MK
Scorpions and Centaurs: coloured pencils
Scorpions and Centaurs: knitted royal family
Scorpions and Centaurs: bobbing for apples
Scorpions and Centaurs: star bracelet
Scorpions and Centaurs: I'm rather fond of my star bracelet!
Scorpions and Centaurs: maybe it just needs a hug...?
Scorpions and Centaurs: random crate in an alley
Scorpions and Centaurs: flyer for Dixie's Tupperware Party
Scorpions and Centaurs: discarded Wall Street Journals
Scorpions and Centaurs: the lonely balloon
Scorpions and Centaurs: "I vant to suck your.... M&M's...?"
Scorpions and Centaurs: chicken decoration at Dora's
Scorpions and Centaurs: necking cranes
Scorpions and Centaurs: John Barrowman's napkins...?
Scorpions and Centaurs: I found a tape in my back garden
Scorpions and Centaurs: wallpaper shopping