Scorpions and Centaurs: Anthony Head talks to a fan
Scorpions and Centaurs: I vant to sahk your blahd...
Scorpions and Centaurs: view of Collectormania from above
Scorpions and Centaurs: this way to Spike
Scorpions and Centaurs: stalls at the Sci Fi market
Scorpions and Centaurs: Collectormania
Scorpions and Centaurs: a little blurry Tony Head
Scorpions and Centaurs: Anthony Head yaks at a fan
Scorpions and Centaurs: fridge magnets
Scorpions and Centaurs: Buffy the Vampire Slayer annual 2004 cover
Scorpions and Centaurs: Tara and Willow comic frame
Scorpions and Centaurs: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Scorpions and Centaurs: Buffy playing cards in a tin
Scorpions and Centaurs: Willow and a water goddess - from the Buffy, Twilight comic book