Lane Genealogy: Boston to Manchester, NH, train. 31 May 1903 [Hinckley, Forrest C.]
Lane Genealogy: 1858 House of Reformation, Manchester , NH Hillsboro NH commonwealth_8336h2424_productionMaster
Lane Genealogy: 1858 Masonic Lodge in Manchester, NH
Lane Genealogy: 1858 Merchant's Exchange, Manchester, NH
Lane Genealogy: 1858 Smyth's Block and view of Elm St, Manchester, NH
Lane Genealogy: Electric Truck with cotton bales at Amoskeag Mills, Manchester NH ca1918 NARA165-ww-192E-006
Lane Genealogy: Electric trucks at Amoskeag Mills in 1909 [Horseless Age Magazine, No. 4, 1909]