saripley: 9/11 memorial1
saripley: 9/11 memorial2
saripley: Cyclone coney Island1
saripley: Marine PArk Bocce1
saripley: 9/11 memorial3
saripley: 9/11 memorial4
saripley: 9/11 memorial5
saripley: Measuring Bocce
saripley: Sheepshead Bay Swans
saripley: Ann and Diane at Marine Park Nature Center
saripley: Diane Scott at Nature Center
saripley: Fireboat sheepshead Bay
saripley: Diane at Sheepshaed Bay marina
saripley: Diane and Ann at the cyclone
saripley: Bocce1
saripley: CIMG2651
saripley: Bocce2
saripley: Bocce3
saripley: Bocce4
saripley: Bocce5
saripley: Bocce6
saripley: Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn, NY
saripley: Diane and Ann watching Bocce
saripley: Bocce7
saripley: Nature Center rest
saripley: Fireboat Sheepshead bay2
saripley: Bocce8
saripley: Bocce9
saripley: Bocce10
saripley: Bocce11