rorschach_test: to the skies above...
rorschach_test: falling slowly...
rorschach_test: a new dawn....
rorschach_test: watch where you step.
rorschach_test: i'll see you on the other side.
rorschach_test: question of morality, mortality.
rorschach_test: love. lover. loved.
rorschach_test: inspired.
rorschach_test: may peace be with you.
rorschach_test: my love of the brothers quay.
rorschach_test: a maalox moment.
rorschach_test: you and i are not so different.
rorschach_test: light to the heavens.
rorschach_test: details.
rorschach_test: dubious landmark.
rorschach_test: pay attention.
rorschach_test: big. green. monster.
rorschach_test: halls of knowledge and discourse.
rorschach_test: welcome.
rorschach_test: and i look down upon thee.
rorschach_test: boston's back bay.
rorschach_test: amnesiac.
rorschach_test: blue blood, blue car.
rorschach_test: american splendor.