Katakismet: meditation garden
Katakismet: you, me and the holy post
Katakismet: and zen i raked the yard
Katakismet: not all paths lead to peace
Katakismet: the flying saucer has landed
Katakismet: golden harvest
Katakismet: tendrils
Katakismet: we had a pine time
Katakismet: the peace of water and solitude
Katakismet: bamboo grove
Katakismet: the garden of koi
Katakismet: the fall of gentle waters
Katakismet: up through darkness, he saw the light
Katakismet: she turned to face her stalk-er
Katakismet: her waters were crystal
Katakismet: bridge over the river koi
Katakismet: drop of life
Katakismet: nature's cupboard
Katakismet: behind glass
Katakismet: cactus 1
Katakismet: cactus 2
Katakismet: cactus 3
Katakismet: cactus 4
Katakismet: reflecting pond