Sreiny: IMG_3518.jpg
Sreiny: IMG_3474.jpg
Sreiny: IMG_3308.jpg
Sreiny: IMG_2793.jpg
Sreiny: IMG_2792.jpg
Sreiny: Esther sitting in a hole
Sreiny: Belly rub
Sreiny: Esther and the kids
Sreiny: Esther and Ali
Sreiny: Esther tree stump
Sreiny: Nolan and Esther
Sreiny: Children of the corn
Sreiny: Sooooooooo tired
Sreiny: Soooo tired
Sreiny: Wind mother
Sreiny: Esther getting sniffed
Sreiny: Basset
Sreiny: Westie and Esther
Sreiny: Two beagles passing in the night
Sreiny: Walking
Sreiny: Esther and Ali by the shore
Sreiny: Esther in the tall grass
Sreiny: IMG_2171.jpg
Sreiny: Esther is finally brave enough to stick her head out of the window.
Sreiny: Concerned eyes
Sreiny: IMG_1873.jpg
Sreiny: IMG_1846.jpg
Sreiny: IMG_1843.jpg
Sreiny: IMG_1836.jpg
Sreiny: IMG_1832.jpg