srboisvert: Surf Scoter at Loyola University-1-2
srboisvert: Surf Scoter at Loyola University-1-3
srboisvert: Surf Scoter at Loyola University-1-4
srboisvert: Surf Scoter at Loyola University-1
srboisvert: Peregrine in flight at Northerly Island-1
srboisvert: Peregrine in flight at Northerly Island-1-4
srboisvert: Peregrine perched at Northerly Island-1-2
srboisvert: Peregrine perched at Northerly Island-1
srboisvert: Peregrine in flight at Northerly Island-1-3
srboisvert: Peregrine in flight at Northerly Island-1-2
srboisvert: Bluejay at Little Red Schoolhouse-1
srboisvert: Tufted Titmouse at Little Red Schoolhouse-1
srboisvert: Bald Eagle over the Chicago River North Center-1
srboisvert: American Crow Chicago Lakefront Marowitz Golf Course-1-3
srboisvert: American Crow Chicago Lakefront Marowitz Golf Course-1-2
srboisvert: American Crow Chicago Lakefront Marowitz Golf Course-1
srboisvert: European Starling in a berry tree Chicago Lakefront Marowitz Golf Course-1
srboisvert: Cedar Waxwing Chicago Lakefront-1
srboisvert: Cedar Waxwing Chicago Lakefront-1-2
srboisvert: Cedar Waxwing Chicago Lakefront-1-3
srboisvert: Cedar Waxwing Chicago Lakefront-1-4
srboisvert: European Starling Chicago Lakefront-1-2
srboisvert: European Starling Chicago Lakefront-1
srboisvert: Cooper's Hawk flying over the Chicago River-1
srboisvert: Bald Eagle at the Chicago River by Elston Avenue-1-3
srboisvert: Bald Eagle at the Chicago River by Elston Avenue-1-2
srboisvert: Bald Eagle at the Chicago River by Elston Avenue-1
srboisvert: Great Horned Owl at Rosehill Cemetary-1
srboisvert: Red-tailed Hawk perched at Rosehill Cemetary while harassing Owl-1
srboisvert: Deer at Rosehill Cemetary-1