srboisvert: smiley cat
srboisvert: This is a robbery! Hands in the air!
srboisvert: The long lounger
srboisvert: princess on her pedestal
srboisvert: where light go?
srboisvert: under blanket hunter
srboisvert: S'up?
srboisvert: first i wake you up really early, then i sleep
srboisvert: so chill
srboisvert: chillin
srboisvert: did you pack your suitcase yourself? sort of.
srboisvert: cats have their own idea of comfortable
srboisvert: Moving at the speed of sleep.
srboisvert: Kitteh goes the sympathy route in begging with a fake cast.
srboisvert: New Year's resolution: More time on sleep climber
srboisvert: Occupy Couch. Demanding a increase in the minimum feed!
srboisvert: u get up. i move in on ur butt warmth. deal with it.
srboisvert: srsly?
srboisvert: Deep cover.
srboisvert: hidey cat
srboisvert: hidey cat
srboisvert: draw me like one of your french girls