srboisvert: 0717131743
srboisvert: 0717131744
srboisvert: 0717131744b
srboisvert: Henry Moore - Large Interior Form
srboisvert: kemeys - On the Prowl
srboisvert: Kemeys - stands in an attitude of defiance.
srboisvert: Art Intitute of Chicago South Garden
srboisvert: 0717131752a
srboisvert: Fountain of the Great Lakes, by Lorado Taft (1913)
srboisvert: Fountain of the Great Lakes, by Lorado Taft (1913)
srboisvert: Harold Washington Library Center - Barn Owls by Raymond Kaskey
srboisvert: A new leaf
srboisvert: 0717131807
srboisvert: Harold Washington Library Center - Barn Owls by Raymond Kaskey
srboisvert: 0717131818
srboisvert: 0717131818a
srboisvert: The 1909 Plan of Chicago
srboisvert: 0717131826a
srboisvert: 0717131832
srboisvert: 0717131837
srboisvert: 0717131837a
srboisvert: Gehry desk at the Inland Steel building.
srboisvert: 0717131854a
srboisvert: Picasso - the baboon view
srboisvert: Picasso - the lady profile view
srboisvert: Picasso - the lady profile view
srboisvert: 0717131917
srboisvert: 0717131917a
srboisvert: 0717131917b
srboisvert: 0717131918