StephenGA: Day 244 - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
StephenGA: Day 245 - "A bee is never as busy at it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower." - Kin Hubbard
StephenGA: Day 246 - Queen Luna
StephenGA: Day 247 - Sun in White Light on 9-4-21
StephenGA: Day 248 - Sun in Calium K on 9-4-21
StephenGA: Day 249 - Solar Photon Acquisition Equipment.
StephenGA: Day 250 - Anti-crepuscular Rays and the Belt of Venus
StephenGA: Day 251 - Sad Sashi
StephenGA: Day 252 - Afternoon Beauty
StephenGA: Day 253 - “The Moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.” - Carl Sandburg
StephenGA: Day 254 - Waxing Crescent Moon and Venus
StephenGA: Day 255 - Atlanta Traffic
StephenGA: Day 256 - Lunar V and X
StephenGA: Day 257 - Gathering Photos
StephenGA: Day 258 - Juvenile Cardinal
StephenGA: Day 260 - Ready to Attack
StephenGA: Day 261 - Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver
StephenGA: Day 262 - White-breasted Nuthatch
StephenGA: Day 263 - Carolina Wren
StephenGA: Day 264 - Spinybacked Orbweaver
StephenGA: Day 259 - Ocmulgee Mounds National Park - Macon, Georgia.
StephenGA: Day 265 - 96% Illuminated Waning Gibbous Moon
StephenGA: Day 266 - Venus on 9-23-21
StephenGA: Day 267 - Eagle Watch Pickleball. I got to play for the first time at the new courts at Eagle Watch on Friday. Great games with great people!
StephenGA: Day 268 - Saturn on 9-23-21
StephenGA: Day 269 - Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve
StephenGA: Day 270 - Hummingbird at the Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve
StephenGA: Day 271 - Alder Flycatcher
StephenGA: Day 272 - Banded Orbweaver
StephenGA: Day 273 - Downy Woodpecker