StephenGA: Lunar Transit of the International Space Station on 8-21-19
StephenGA: Lunar Transit of the International Space Station on 8-21-19
StephenGA: Messier 31
StephenGA: Messier 51
StephenGA: North America Nebula
StephenGA: Messier 8
StephenGA: Messier 8
StephenGA: Eagle Nebula - Messier 16
StephenGA: The Cocoon Nebula and Barnard 168 (dark nebula)
StephenGA: The Double Cluster in Perseus
StephenGA: The Dumbbell Nebula - Messier 27
StephenGA: The Andromeda Galaxy - Messier 31
StephenGA: Messier 17 - The Swan Nebula
StephenGA: The Trifid Nebula - Messier 20
StephenGA: The Eastern Veil Nebula