StephenGA: Day 298 - Chunky Girl
StephenGA: Day 297 - Hungry Thrasher
StephenGA: Day 277 - Palm Warbler
StephenGA: Day 276 - Winter Wren
StephenGA: Day 279 - Bluebirds in the Rain
StephenGA: Day 280 - Eastern Phoebe
StephenGA: Day 285 - Peanut Acquisition Technique
StephenGA: Day 284 - Pine Warbler
StephenGA: Day 283 - "In order to see birds, it is necessary to become a part of the silence." - Robert Lynd
StephenGA: Day 231 - "For me, each day begins and ends with wanting to learn a little more about the secrets of spider silk." - Cheryl Hayashi
StephenGA: Day 271 - Alder Flycatcher
StephenGA: Day 278 - "Don't you know about the praying mantis that waved its arms angrily in front of an approaching carriage, unaware that they were incapable of stopping it? Such was the high opinion it had of its talents." - Zhuangzi
StephenGA: Day 272 - Banded Orbweaver
StephenGA: Day 261 - Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver
StephenGA: Day 270 - Hummingbird at the Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve
StephenGA: Day 264 - Spinybacked Orbweaver
StephenGA: Day 263 - Carolina Wren
StephenGA: Day 274 - Dramatic Nuthatch
StephenGA: Day 260 - Ready to Attack
StephenGA: Day 258 - Juvenile Cardinal
StephenGA: Day 273 - Downy Woodpecker
StephenGA: Day 262 - White-breasted Nuthatch
StephenGA: Day 242 - Impatient Nuthatch. These little guys don't like waiting while I refill the feeders.
StephenGA: Day 232 - Chubby Cheeks
StephenGA: Day 221 - Table for Two. I somehow managed to get both a honey bee and a bumblebee both on the same flower.
StephenGA: Day 291 - "The hum of bees is the voice of the garden." - Elizabeth Lawrence
StephenGA: Day 244 - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
StephenGA: Day 228 - Zebra Longwing
StephenGA: Day 234 - Monarch
StephenGA: Day 219 - This Queen Butterfly looks like she's been through a lot.