Squints1113: Wild Flowers
Squints1113: Autumn woods - morning
Squints1113: Dreaming of daisies...
Squints1113: Wildflowers redux
Squints1113: Berries
Squints1113: Wild Flowers
Squints1113: Hummingbird Moth
Squints1113: Pool Party Cannonball!
Squints1113: Milkweed Tussock Caterpillar (Euchaetes Egle)
Squints1113: Illustrated Guide to American Wildflowers
Squints1113: Monarch caterpiller
Squints1113: Textured Thistle
Squints1113: Feeding time at the Detroit Zoo
Squints1113: wildflowers
Squints1113: wildflowers
Squints1113: Monkeys at the Detroit Zoo
Squints1113: Prairie Dogs
Squints1113: Bullfrog
Squints1113: Tree Frog
Squints1113: Female Cardinal
Squints1113: Titmouse or Pokemon?
Squints1113: Under the watchful eye of the Cardinal
Squints1113: Titmouse
Squints1113: Morning Dove
Squints1113: Titmouse Chick
Squints1113: Peahen and Chick
Squints1113: Goldfinch
Squints1113: Grackel
Squints1113: Adolesent Cardinal