squiggle.: Hairnets
squiggle.: At the factory floor entrance
squiggle.: Winnower
squiggle.: Nibs
squiggle.: Cacao bean roaster
squiggle.: Bean identifying tags
squiggle.: Melangeur
squiggle.: Looking in the melangeur
squiggle.: Linda with hairnet and earmuffs
squiggle.: Cocoa butter tubs
squiggle.: Chocolate machine
squiggle.: Chocolate molds
squiggle.: Conche
squiggle.: Molding machine
squiggle.: Chocolate molding machine
squiggle.: Hand-molding
squiggle.: What comes out of the molding machine
squiggle.: Moving down the conveyor belt
squiggle.: They just drop off the end into a box
squiggle.: Cocoa-Crush