squidminion: Todd the Freshman
squidminion: Sim State University
squidminion: Home Sweet Home
squidminion: Meet the dormies
squidminion: He really needs to loosen up
squidminion: Ah, the sad irony of a shy Popularity Sim
squidminion: How to turn cash into very little Fun
squidminion: Meet Frogface, Todd's first friend
squidminion: The joys of academia
squidminion: Family visit
squidminion: Campus activism
squidminion: Sports was NOT the correct answer
squidminion: "Quit looking; you'll just encourage her"
squidminion: I THINK they're all straight
squidminion: Caffeine, the staff of life
squidminion: Strategic friend making
squidminion: Success
squidminion: Sidebar: Invisible dorm rooms
squidminion: It gets weirder
squidminion: Another quirk of dorm life
squidminion: "What can I say? I like a guy with a big marble bust in his room."
squidminion: Study group
squidminion: Meet the Professor
squidminion: Trouble brewing
squidminion: "Who's got time to savor their food?"
squidminion: There's her, and then there's Billy Idol
squidminion: Finally!
squidminion: A date at last
squidminion: Thanks loads, Maxis