squeezemonkey: ornate doorknocker
squeezemonkey: church entrance
squeezemonkey: monastery door
squeezemonkey: old hotel foyer
squeezemonkey: carved wooden door
squeezemonkey: double hand door knockers
squeezemonkey: lions on the gate
squeezemonkey: door out to the garden
squeezemonkey: elaborate wire door
squeezemonkey: don't poke your finger here
squeezemonkey: entrance to the alcazar
squeezemonkey: board walk over the dunes
squeezemonkey: ancient old door
squeezemonkey: very old oak door
squeezemonkey: tree commemorating the queens coronation
squeezemonkey: church side door
squeezemonkey: ornate gate in front of the alter
squeezemonkey: geometric shaped windows
squeezemonkey: geometric flower shaped window
squeezemonkey: duomo front door
squeezemonkey: restaurant off santa croce piazza
squeezemonkey: decorative bars over the windows
squeezemonkey: crown and lilies
squeezemonkey: shadows on the graves
squeezemonkey: locked gates of crypt
squeezemonkey: secret passage
squeezemonkey: hogs heads crest
squeezemonkey: cast iron gate with crest
squeezemonkey: grand art deco entrance
squeezemonkey: revolving art deco doors