squeezemonkey: first morning in the bunkhouse
squeezemonkey: customised phone box
squeezemonkey: dragon with helicopter
squeezemonkey: outside bunkhouse
squeezemonkey: sunny weather at tremadog
squeezemonkey: skipping with joy
squeezemonkey: idillic crag
squeezemonkey: checking phone
squeezemonkey: waving from ledge
squeezemonkey: near the top
squeezemonkey: lucky with the weather
squeezemonkey: not so slab like
squeezemonkey: finding holds
squeezemonkey: negotiating corner
squeezemonkey: keeping in balance
squeezemonkey: tall enough to reach
squeezemonkey: getting to the top
squeezemonkey: first climb outdoors
squeezemonkey: reached the top
squeezemonkey: vs 4c outdoors
squeezemonkey: upper crag at tremadog
squeezemonkey: squeezemonkey at tremadog
squeezemonkey: happy climber
squeezemonkey: comfortable viewing possition
squeezemonkey: leaning on tree
squeezemonkey: smilie faced branch
squeezemonkey: helping untie knot
squeezemonkey: first time climbing outdoors
squeezemonkey: climbing up a crack
squeezemonkey: crossing stream