squeezbox: awesome weather
squeezbox: more crazy turns
squeezbox: crossing a field of boulders
squeezbox: amazing views around every corner
squeezbox: waterfall
squeezbox: crossing a waterfall
squeezbox: crossing a waterfall
squeezbox: logs pile up down below
squeezbox: the trail goes right through these rock fields
squeezbox: field of rocks
squeezbox: more vistas
squeezbox: notice the trail winding away
squeezbox: Mt Ranier in the background
squeezbox: boulder field making its way down
squeezbox: trail of rocks
squeezbox: first woods, then rocks, then brush
squeezbox: looking down at I90
squeezbox: still some snow in september
squeezbox: phew
squeezbox: another nice view
squeezbox: finally made it
squeezbox: the kendall katwalk
squeezbox: katwalk
squeezbox: looking down the face of the katwalk
squeezbox: the katwalk