squacco: commie glamma
squacco: security oktapus to the rescue
squacco: fishy dinner fund
squacco: my kind of book
squacco: check out the ottoman windows
squacco: bektashi pilgrimage up mount tomorri ahoy
squacco: riding in the back of a pickup truck up the mountain (hence the hair)
squacco: if you're going to sacrifice sheep you may as well do it by a cracking view.
squacco: P8113262
squacco: lake koman ferry
squacco: The kids
squacco: valbona-theth mountain pass
squacco: our lovely mountain guide (demosh?)
squacco: where to come for the best mobile phone reception in town
squacco: P8183316
squacco: P8183320
squacco: P8183324
squacco: this guy
squacco: sunset in the theth valley
squacco: NEVER
squacco: Berat
squacco: the stadium on berat
squacco: the red mosque, appara
squacco: berati fire station
squacco: stop stealing manhole covers
squacco: albania
squacco: seriously,
squacco: the guy that started it all
squacco: on a mobile phone with a sheep in a bag
squacco: P8223447