Shot by Squeakaz:
Pacific National TT116, TT125 and TTXXX on train MR912 at Branxton
Shot by Squeakaz:
Pacific National TT07 and TT127 on train MR920 at Denman
Shot by Squeakaz:
Pacific National TT07 and TT127 on train MR920 at Deman
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Lone loco
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Pacific National TT106 on Train 1297 at Exeter enroute to Peppertree Quarry
Shot by Squeakaz:
Pacific National TT106 on Train 1297 at Exeter enroute to Peppertree Quarry
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Pacific National TT108 on Train 1225 at Exeter enroute to Lynwood Siding
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Average Aggregate
Shot by Squeakaz:
Average Aggregate
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TT109 sits at Enfield after arriving earlier in the day on train 2196 from Peppertree Quarry
Shot by Squeakaz:
From a distance
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TT05/TT03/TTXX at Tarro with empty coal hoppers
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Lines of power
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Pacific National TT112, TT132 and 9305 passing Lochinvar
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Take your pick
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Spoilt for choice
Shot by Squeakaz:
Pacific National TT125 and TT128 with train MR908 from Moolarben to Kooragang
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WH001 of 3
Shot by Squeakaz:
Not quite the norm. Or is it?