Shot by Squeakaz: VL 356 Stabled at Goulburn
Shot by Squeakaz: VL 356 Stabled at Goulburn
Shot by Squeakaz: VL 356 Stabled at Goulburn
Shot by Squeakaz: VL 356 Stabled at Goulburn
Shot by Squeakaz: VL 356 Stabled at Goulburn
Shot by Squeakaz: VL 356 Stabled at Goulburn
Shot by Squeakaz: VL 356 Stabled at Goulburn
Shot by Squeakaz: VL 356 Stabled at Goulburn
Shot by Squeakaz: SSR transfer of D7/D107 from Kangy Angy to Lithgow. VL added at Valley Heights following the failure of the 80 Class the day before.
Shot by Squeakaz: Sydney Rail Services operating train 5194 for Crawfords with VL352, CF402 and CF408 leading the way through Lochinvar
Shot by Squeakaz: Leased Locos