Squatbetty: Heading into Silsden
Squatbetty: Incy wincy
Squatbetty: A Happy Russ! :-)
Squatbetty: Wine night :-)
Squatbetty: There are different kinds of wings, the crow said...
Squatbetty: The capo of a true Yorkshire lass
Squatbetty: Cuteness :-)
Squatbetty: Autumn colours
Squatbetty: I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold
Squatbetty: Caught
Squatbetty: “If you knew Time as well as I do,” said the Hatter
Squatbetty: And all the lives we ever lived
Squatbetty: Autumn tears
Squatbetty: New set-up
Squatbetty: Monkey business
Squatbetty: Golden
Squatbetty: This Be The Verse 2020
Squatbetty: Thank you NHS
Squatbetty: My new favourite song
Squatbetty: The Deep
Squatbetty: Find the melody within
Squatbetty: Remembrance and peace
Squatbetty: Mill at night
Squatbetty: The Aire Valley
Squatbetty: Autumn walk selfie
Squatbetty: Golden
Squatbetty: Nothing gold can stay
Squatbetty: Leeds Liverpool Canal
Squatbetty: Autumn sunshine