Squatbetty: Brampton
Squatbetty: Tee dum, tee dee, a teedle ee do tee day
Squatbetty: Please dance
Squatbetty: Duke of Portland Boathouse
Squatbetty: Brack 'n' Brew
Squatbetty: Whitehaven Harbour
Squatbetty: FD399
Squatbetty: Bambino gull
Squatbetty: As mad as a...
Squatbetty: Marina
Squatbetty: Lighthouse
Squatbetty: Blue, green and yellow
Squatbetty: "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!"
Squatbetty: The Opportunist
Squatbetty: The End of an Era
Squatbetty: The Irish Sea
Squatbetty: Hear us when we cry to thee
Squatbetty: On the promenade
Squatbetty: A smaller, cuter opportunist
Squatbetty: Don't drink and derive!
Squatbetty: Private
Squatbetty: A pretty big jellyfish!
Squatbetty: Anchors aweigh!
Squatbetty: Mrs Duck popped round one evening to say hello
Squatbetty: Summer flowers
Squatbetty: Purple
Squatbetty: The Courtyard
Squatbetty: Wildflowers
Squatbetty: Caption Competition :-)