Squatbetty: Autumn tears
Squatbetty: The druid in the wood
Squatbetty: The Druid in the Wood
Squatbetty: Druid in the wood
Squatbetty: He doesn't look happy
Squatbetty: Whistling tree
Squatbetty: ... And hope for peace
Squatbetty: The Green Man
Squatbetty: For Mike
Squatbetty: I improvised :)
Squatbetty: For Mike - Happy Birthday
Squatbetty: Let the shadows fall behind you
Squatbetty: For Mike
Squatbetty: My Origami Advent Calendar - 21st December
Squatbetty: The stoney faced doorman
Squatbetty: The Green Man of the Forest
Squatbetty: Evening walk - St.Ives, Bingley
Squatbetty: The Grizedale Woodman
Squatbetty: The Green Man of the Forest - Spring
Squatbetty: Green Man
Squatbetty: Turn your face to the sun: for Stuart (Rosehippy) x
Squatbetty: 295/366: The Green Man of the Forest - Winter
Squatbetty: Nobility is not a birth right but is defined by one's actions
Squatbetty: 236/366: Bradfield's Green Man
Squatbetty: Remember me, try to remember
Squatbetty: The Green Man of the Forest
Squatbetty: The original Green Man?
Squatbetty: The Laughing Tree
Squatbetty: 16:00