squashpicker: Lamar
squashpicker: Robert Stoddard
squashpicker: Jeff Bell
squashpicker: Bill Beverly
squashpicker: Martha Beverly
squashpicker: Jean Seiler
squashpicker: Guy Bankes
squashpicker: Ted Stokes
squashpicker: Ina Henkin
squashpicker: George Seiler
squashpicker: Joni Sidenstein
squashpicker: Ted, Adrian, Cathy
squashpicker: Greg ponders his song choice
squashpicker: Amanda and Tom
squashpicker: Amanda and Tom leading Alabama
squashpicker: Kim & Nathan about the serious business of the registration table
squashpicker: Laura and Lamar close Saturday's singing with Christian Farewell
squashpicker: El Mariachi crowd
squashpicker: El Mariachi
squashpicker: Altos
squashpicker: Lauren
squashpicker: Anna
squashpicker: Frank
squashpicker: Trebles
squashpicker: Jean leads in the altos
squashpicker: Elizabeth and blurry tenors
squashpicker: Tenors
squashpicker: Gabriel Brady and Family leading 319
squashpicker: Gabe Brady and family leading 77t
squashpicker: Tenors