Squash Goddess: American Beauty Berry bush in the garden (Callicarpa americana)
Squash Goddess: Pyracantha berries in the fall
Squash Goddess: zebra longwing butterfly on sweet anise flowers
Squash Goddess: zebra longwing butterfly
Squash Goddess: American Beauty berries
Squash Goddess: American Beauty Berries
Squash Goddess: Beauty Berry bush
Squash Goddess: beauty berries
Squash Goddess: golden dew-drops
Squash Goddess: golden dew drop and firecracker fern
Squash Goddess: golden dew drop berries
Squash Goddess: heavenly bamboo berries
Squash Goddess: Fresh Blueberries
Squash Goddess: "Climax" Rabbiteye Blueberries
Squash Goddess: todays crop