squarerootofnine: halloween dinner with the hembergers
squarerootofnine: good friend dressing Elmo
squarerootofnine: the line has been drawn.
squarerootofnine: harry & cinderella in my backseat
squarerootofnine: ...on a potty break at Eat-Zi's.
squarerootofnine: they are mowing across the street.
squarerootofnine: hey Mike, come join us.
squarerootofnine: "red headed alien boy makes friends with humanoids at Mickey D's" by Holton
squarerootofnine: photo.jpg
squarerootofnine: some days are better than others
squarerootofnine: blueberry cobbler in bed
squarerootofnine: dinner tonight
squarerootofnine: bano de vaqueros
squarerootofnine: where my loves lie waiting silently for me...
squarerootofnine: hey duder. I'm not in Honklinhoma anymore.
squarerootofnine: let's pray that was the last stop.
squarerootofnine: get me home already
squarerootofnine: gotta get back, get back to where we once belonged
squarerootofnine: it's late. 3:15am. been up since 4:30am yesterday. I think I'm done with...
squarerootofnine: I wish I was
squarerootofnine: the lesser sex
squarerootofnine: Texas here we come.
squarerootofnine: we're hitting the road in about an hour.
squarerootofnine: my brother-in-law wears ladies deodorant
squarerootofnine: I think trey is tired!