squarerootofnine: the american dream
squarerootofnine: tangled up in blue
squarerootofnine: tuesday - 10.april.2007 - 6.51.52pm
squarerootofnine: you think you'll never get it right, but you're wrong. you might.
squarerootofnine: squidward
squarerootofnine: the blue wall
squarerootofnine: there's four new colours in the rainbow, an old man's taking polaroids, but all he captures is endless rain. endless rain.
squarerootofnine: lady refugee
squarerootofnine: but it took him a long time finally to make up his mind to go home.
squarerootofnine: but while he was still a long way off
squarerootofnine: leviathan
squarerootofnine: tuesday - 10.april.2007 - 6.51.52pm
squarerootofnine: it's strange to think we could have been so brought up by ourselves | run through the streets like rivers raging to seas of barren sand | and while every grain tears you apart stay done up the best you can
squarerootofnine: thursday - 29.Mar.2007 - 7.43.31pm
squarerootofnine: subtle city
squarerootofnine: .aviators.
squarerootofnine: just north of the unconquered sea
squarerootofnine: i fought the wings and the wings won. i fought the wings and the wings won.
squarerootofnine: hauling water
squarerootofnine: the unbearable lightness of being.
squarerootofnine: the final frontier
squarerootofnine: tuesday - 16.Jan.2007 - 5.06.59pm
squarerootofnine: Chicago on Lake Michigan
squarerootofnine: pinar del rio, cuba
squarerootofnine: everything is bigger here.