TVJ: Lick!
TVJ: Yukon River, Fall 2009
TVJ: Arctic Circle Baptist Church at sunset
TVJ: Future Dog Mushing Team
TVJ: Sled dog Pup
TVJ: Tank Farm, Fort Yukon, Alaska.
TVJ: old-school Arctic Cat
TVJ: Full House
TVJ: almost frozen
TVJ: Twin boy and twin dogs in Napaskiak, Alaska
TVJ: Lost Boat
TVJ: Church in Atmautluak, Alaska
TVJ: More of Dee Dee Jonrowe's Dogs
TVJ: Nome, Alaska, after a snow storm
TVJ: End of the Iditarod
TVJ: Dee Dee Jonrowe's Pup
TVJ: End of the 2009 Iditarod, Nome, AK
TVJ: Blue House, Blue Horse
TVJ: Front Yard in Nome, Alaska
TVJ: Truck in Nome, Alaska
TVJ: Top of the World Highway
TVJ: Fire pit melting into the Yukon River
TVJ: Trees near Chicken, Alaska
TVJ: Ice fishing for pike on the Kuskokwim River, Alaska
TVJ: Abandoned tub by hot springs in interior Alaska.
TVJ: Beware
TVJ: moonlight on a partially frozen slough
TVJ: Pilgrim Hotsprings
TVJ: Same spot on the Kuskokwim, Winter and Summer
TVJ: mystery carcass pile